In many areas of my life, I consider myself a skeptic. However, I've always taken to astrology. I understand how foolish this sounds, but my star sign (Cancer) often seems so pertinent to my life. I know, I know--they write these things in such a general way that they're relatable to everybody, but I still like to believe that the stars have it out for me.
As my time in Australia winds down, I've been confused as to what to do with my life once I finish school. After my trip to Western Australia, I thought I had it all figured out: I was going to move to Perth, get a job and pursue permanent residency in Australia. I decided to stay in Oz because I figured that going home was cutting my adventure short. Being here has made me realise how little of the world I've experienced. I want to continue travelling, I want to live in another country again, and I don't ever want to feel like my life has become stagnant.
But a recent family situation has complicated those plans. I'm not angry about it--that's just the way things were meant to be. So now my sights are on returning to the States.
And according to the below horoscope from, I made the right decision:
23-29 Sept
Some Cancers have been living in two places at once, emotionally speaking, in an attempt to calm their restlessness. No matter how many errands you run or trips far abroad you plan, you still have to tap into your family and your roots now and again to feel grounded. Itchy to keep on the move or not, you need your home, and it’s certainly a lot better if someone else is there.
I didn't tell my family that I was planning on staying in Australia because I had no plans set in stone yet. But I know now that I'm meant to go home--and I didn't need this horoscope to affirm that. It's just kind of odd how spot-on it is, you know?
Though John Lennon would tell me there's nowhere I can be that isn't where I'm meant to be, lately I've felt that I'm no longer mentally and emotionally in Australia. I don't think my life will become ordinary when I go home--I just have to keep challenging myself to experience new things in my own country. I guess the best thing at this point is just to finish what I started, instead of trying to make it last longer than it should. I recognised the right to come to Oz, and now I've got to face that it's the right time to go.
9 hours ago
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