I just finished the first draft of my thesis. (Well, not entirely. It's still sans conclusion. But really, when you're writing something this big, the conclusion's almost half-enjoyable to write.)
Now all I have to do is edit it! But before I do that, I think it's best to take some time away from it. So I've let my mind wander to what I'm looking forward to most back home. I know I'm going to be pretty down on November 17th when I have to leave Australia, but I think I'll feel okay about it if I keep these things in mind (and they are in no particular order).
1. Seeing my family for the first time in 9 months (doesn't sound like painfully long, but it is the longest I've ever been away from them).
2. Holding Ollie (Note to parents: HE'D BETTER BE FLUFFY!)
3. Using a dishwasher.
4. Using a proper washer and DRYER.
5. Sleeping in a proper bed in a perfectly humidified room.
6. Target.
7. Manageable food prices.
8. Driving a car again!
9. Driving down the Eisenhower toward Chicago.
11. Trader Joe's and everything associated with it (No Pudge Brownie Mix, Mustard Won Ton chips, fruit strips, chili, Trader Joe's O's, frozen edamame, frozen orange chicken, frozen jasmine and brown rice...so much more than I can't even remember).
12. Angry Chicagoans...well, they're not really angry. I like to think they're passionate.
13. Watching movies with my dad.
14. Going to Four Seasons.
15. Hanging out with my grandma at her place.
16. Going out to lunch at Rebos with my mom and her friends.
17. Michigan Avenue.
18. J. CREW!!!!!
19. Getting my own apartment in Chicago.
20. And decorating it.
21. With Ikea and anthropologie and Urban Outfitters furnishings.
22. Polite people.
23. The el.
24. Driving around with my dad, listening to good music and him quizzing me on the artists and song titles.
25. Archie's.
26. Eating steak three nights a week.
27. My entire family getting together at Thanksgiving and Christmas.
28. My mom's cooking.
29. Especially her egg casserole.
30. Seeing my friends again.
31. Eating good pizza.
32. Going to TCBY with my twin sisters.
33. Minerva's.
35. Cosi.
36. Panera.
37. Panchero's.
38. Iowa City.
39. Argo Tea dates with Meg.
40. Relaxing in the sun room at about 6:00 pm with my mom, dad, Ollie and an occasional twin.
41. Not having to write a thesis.
42. Having the opportunity to go to Cubs games.
43. Not having people make fun of my accent or where I'm from.
44. Orbit gum.
45. Normal-tasting skim milk.
46. Not having to constantly consider time zones when I want to talk to someone.
47. American Cheerios (yes, there are Australia Cheerios--I think they're too sugary).
48. Cheap iTunes (Aussie iTunes is a complete RIP OFF).
49. Helping my grandma put up her Christmas decorations.
50. Eating dinner at home with my whole family, with Ollie standing up on Katy's chair, whining for food.
51. Chicago's lakefront.
52. Giddy Fest.
53. Concerts in Chicago.
54. The ability to go to my friends' weddings.
55. Not ever having to watch 'Today Tonight' or see crap Aussie commercials ever again.
56. American efficiency.
These are just a few things that popped up real quick. I've undoubtedly missed heaps of things, but I guess that happens when you've been away for awhile.
11 hours ago
Hey Kelly
ONLY 56. You couldn't even get to 100? You must not miss home that much? LOL
Michael E.
Ha! I know--pretty pathetic, huh? But it's hard to think of things on the spot!
I heard about your new baby girl, by the way. Congrats!
#52!!!!!!!!! :) Can't wait.
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