I think it's time Qantas updated its in-flight safety cards.
Honestly, Furbys are so eight years ago. And for all our sakes, let's pray they stay there.
While perusing Qanta's safety card on my flight to Melbourne, I noticed the clear reference to Furby. Apparently, they're not allowed on the plane. And for good reason. If that thing interfered with signals and caused my plane to go down, I would be pissed.
Anyway, seeing Furby after all these years brought me back to a few holidays ago when the Furby was just hitting the scene. I remember it as THE toy of the season about 7 or 8 years ago. Unfortuately for my family, my twin sisters were the prime target market for these furry balls of weirdness.
Of course, the twins didn't just get a single Furby that year. They got at least four each. I can still remember when they'd be silent, eyes closed one minute, then they'd spring to life the next, squealing some gibberish my sisters taught them. It was a mortifying time in our house.
But thankfully, the twins grew up and the Furbys lost their luster.
That's the thing about fads--they just can't stand the test of the time. Though some do find ways of surviving...if only on an Australian flight safety card.
Hey Kelly, love the boat story. I guess the ocean/turtle got back at you another way. LOL. Been reading the blog and keeping up with your adventure. Wanted to wish you a Happy Belated Birthday, hopefully it was a better day than on Jen's B-day. Unless, since it was your birthday, ended up in the same manner (after drinking that is).
Michael E.
Thanks, Michael! Yeah Jenny got more than she bargained for on her birthday, but mine was a pretty low-key evening. I guess that's what getting older feels like. Jenny showed me the pics of Gavin, by the way. He's absolutely beautiful!
Thanks for reading!
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