Sunday, September 28, 2008

Drinking the Margaret River way

I'm not giving you the most accurate account of what I did in Margaret River. Really, this wasn't a weekend alcohol binge...I only went on three tastings. There are 9 year olds in France who drink more than that during dinner.

Anyway, Margaret River is known for its wine. So, of course, we had to stop at the Bootleg Brewery to see how the beer measures up. As the sign says, it's 'an oasis of beer in a desert of wine.'

For only $10 each we sampled seven different types of beers. I thought I was being so frugal until I threw down $23 on a meat pie for lunch. In my defence, it was the best meat pie I've ever had. Sure, I've only had two in my lifetime. But really, this was the Mercedes of meat pies. (Wow. That is one thing I never imagined ever writing a year ago.)

I thought all the beers were excellent. We saved the Raging Bull for dessert. While I was at the bar, a great, big, burly guy who had to be 270 lbs. and at least 6'3" told me after about four pints of Raging Bull I'd be needing the assistance of a medical professional. I couldn't tell if he thought my drinking capacity matched his, but I soon found out that I have about as much of a chance of drinking four pints of Raging Bull in one sitting as I do of turning into a kangaroo tomorrow. (Again, something I probably wouldn't write a year ago.)

After knocking a measly shot of the stuff back, I was done. It was thick, dark and tasted more like a spikier version of Hawkeye Vodka than any beer I've ever drank. It's rough. It's a serious 'beer' meant for great, big, burly Aussie men. I bought some for my dad so we'll see how he measures up.

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